Kamen no Maid Guy - TV Tropes (2025)

Kamen no Maid Guy - TV Tropes (1)

That's me, Maid Guy!

By and large, a show about breasts. And maids. But not put together.

In the history of anime, there have been robot maids, maids in debt, and teams of maids. A new kind of maid is here - the Maid Guy.

The ridiculously well-endowed Naeka Fujiwara and her brother Kousuke are the last heirs in line to their grandfather's humongous fortune. Naeka in particular, since her 18th birthday is approaching. In order to protect them until Naeka's 18th birthday, their grandfather gives them two live-in maids. The first is Fubuki, a fine example of a meido for Kousuke's tastes. The second...is Kogarashi, the Maid Guy. A monster of a man (in a dress) whose idea of service to his master is very rough around the edges. Throw in more side characters from Naeka's school, Maid Guy's beyond-superhuman abilities, and a whirlwind of comedy begins.

Kamen no Maid Guy ("The Masked Maid Guy") is a manga written and illustrated by Maruboro Akai, which was serialized in Monthly Dragon Age from 2004 to 2012 and compiled into 15 volumes. A 12-episode anime adaptation aired in spring 2008, followed by an OVD.

Tropes in Kamen no Maid Guy include:

  • A-Cup Angst: Played For Laughs, in the OVA episode. While Naeka herself has huge breasts, Urashima Taro says that her breasts couldn't possibly compare with Fubuki's, after he gets to see Fubuki in a skimpy Seashell Bra that shows off her curves. Even though Naeka clearly has no desire to attract Taro, this comment pushes her over the edge, and in a fit of jealous fury, she finishes Taro off with a powerful attack.
  • Amusing Injuries: Naeka's sword and Fubuki's nail bat regularly inflict pain upon Kogarashi. He survives.
  • The Beastmaster: Kogarashi is shown summoning and directing tengu (Japanese crows)...to search for underwear. He even dresses as one in episode seven.
  • Black Comedy Rape: There is little doubt of what Saki did to poor Naeka when trapped in Kogarashi's love-hotel-pit... her dishevelled clothes said it all.
  • Brainless Beauty: Naeka generally averts this with respect to subjects other than math. Kogarashi claims that the size of her breasts somehow prevents her from learning mathematics, a claim which is supported by Fubuki's similar issues. This whole concept makes about as much sense as anything else in the series.
  • Brown Note: Maid Guy Voice, with the power to freeze anyone in place for 30 minutes.
  • Brother–Sister Incest:
    • Liz loves her brother way more than a little sister should. Hendrick's love of big breasts has made Liz very self-conscious.
    • Kousuke has also shown a surprising willingness to ogle Naeka when she and Fubuki get into compromising positions.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Kogarashi wears a dress, has the skill sets of a ninja, bodyguard, mathematician and top-class maid, but is shaky on the concept of "personal space", "restraint" or "metaphor". It makes his outbreaks of common sense all the more surprising.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Much to the dismay of Liz, Naeka's friends and, because All Men Are Perverts, Naeka and Fubuki. In an episode Elizabeth's brother, Hendrick, wants to marry Naeka because of her fortune and huge breasts.
  • Catchphrase Interruptus: One of Kogarashi's long speeches and finishing line of "That's me, Maid Guy!" is cut off by Fubuki once again smacking him in the head with a nail-bat.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Kogarashi calls out the name of any ability he uses, just because he can.
  • Character Title: Potentially; the head Miko in Episode 10, who seems to have prior knowledge of Kogarashi, refers to him as 'Gai'.
  • Charm Person: Hendrick hypnotizes women with the power of his Bishie Sparkle. He has plans to build a harem of big-breasted women. Liz and Naeka are usually the only ones who can stop him.
  • Combo Platter Powers: Kogarashi has 37 senses and as many powers as are required by the comedy.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Source of much of the humor.
  • Date Peepers: When Naeka goes to the festival with the Breast Fanclub Leader, her Those Two Guys, the other two members of the fanclub, and both maids are watching the thing play out. The date is fake, but that doesn't stop them from thinking that Naeka may be in love with him.
  • Diet Episode: Episode 6. After Kogarashi bothers Naeka about her small but constant weight gain, Naeka snaps and goes into an extreme diet, dragging Fubuki into it along the way. But soon enough, Naeka's diet methods get out of hand.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Apparently, there's a "Maid Gal", a female counterpart who does the same kind of things Kogarashi does. Can't do it as well as he can, though.
  • Dojikko: Fubuki's least favorite word. A large part of her character is overcoming her stigma that she's a "clumsy maid".
  • Easy Amnesia: When the Breast Fanclub Leader falls down the stairs (and later gets hit by Fubuki's lantern), he's sent into a Convenient Coma, then reawakened by Naeka/Fubuki's breasts after the doctor melodramatically informs them there's no hope of him waking up.
  • Every Episode Ending: The countdown to Naeka's birthday.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Leader of the Breast Fanclub. That's all he ever goes by.
  • Evil Laugh: Kogarashi's "Kukuku" ranks amongst the best ever for a hero.
  • Expy: Naeka of Kirie from Girls Bravo. Both are brunette (with similar hairstyle), buxom and Lust Object of male and female characters.
  • Fanservice with a Smile: All of episode nine. Eiko and Miwa ask Naeka and Fubuki, who have D-cup breasts, to infiltrate their cake shop's rival shop, which has terrible cakes, but all waitresses have huge D-cup breasts. Interestingly the owner, who far outsized the rest of the girls, was shown to be flat-chested, wearing fake breasts because she was insecure, and all the girls other than Naeka had breast implants.
  • Forced to Watch: Kogarashi uploads a virus into the camera bugs placed around the house by various parties. Anyone viewing the camera feed will get zapped with the Maid Guy Freeze Voice, which paralyzes every muscle in the body for thirty minutes, and then will be treated to a half-hour-long video of the local fishmonger's bathing.
  • The Freelance Shame Squad: In episode 2, after the gang's scheme to boost Naeka's math scores by compressing her chest results in an explosive Wardrobe Malfunction, Naeka throws one of the metal panels at Maid Guy outside to stop his mocking. She then rushes over to the window to give him a piece of her mind, only to find a huge group of students outside, cheering at the sight of her large, bare breasts. Unsurprisingly, she then has her Naked Freak-Out.
  • Genius Bruiser: Would you believe Kogarashi went to MIT? Not as a student; he taught high-level maths there.
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: Whenever Kogarashi does or says something particularly bad, Fubuki smashes him (usually in the face) with a wooden bat with nails stuck in it.
  • Gratuitous English: Liz and her brother Hendrick. Also in the names of Kogarasi's powers and "Liieda!" (Leader).

    Naeka: I feel so strong I could take on a bear!

    Kogarashi: Letsuu turaii! *Cue Grizzly*

  • Gretzky Has the Ball: While playing tennis, Arayashiki said "15 points for a home run!". Then again, she just knocked her partner out of the court.
  • Huge Schoolgirl: Arayashiki. When she first met Naeka, she thought she was a man. And after three years of training in the mountains... let's say that the bear was smaller and less muscular.
  • Instant Fanclub: Naeka breasts even have their own fanclub, a set of three lechers from the boy's kendo club, the "Naeka's Breasts Fanclub".
  • Improperly Paranoid: Played for Laughs as a Running Gag. Anything and anybody that approaches Naeka is suspected by Kogarashi to be in some kind of plot to hurt her and pre-emptively answers in "kind" to obtain information on said "plot", forcing her to smack him before he can go past the part where he's threatening to hurt someone and actually hurts someone.
  • I Take Offense to That Last One:

    Kogarashi: So the clumsy maid is easy too.

    Fubuki: Who are you calling "clumsy"?

  • Jerkass: Kogarashi without even trying, and occasionally Naeka when she says things without thinking about the consequences first.
  • Kick the Dog: Half of Kogarashi's antics would get any normal person without superpowers thrown in jail. Though this allows us to cheer when Naeka and Fubuki kick the living daylights out of him for his stupidity. Of course, we all cheer for him anyway because he's the Sociopathic Hero.
  • King of All Cosmos: According to Maid Guy, God likes panty shots. He also loves {[fetish}}es. To the point where all his "miracles" only occur while the girl in question is fulfilling that fetish.
  • Large Ham: Kogarashi's monologues, and ending lines.
  • Locker Mail: Episode 3 has Naeka find a love letter in her locker. She spends the episode wondering if she should meet up with the sender. The sender turns out to be an obsessive female classmate named Saki and the two get trapped together in a room resembling a love suite, where it's heavily implied Saki has her way with her.
  • Lethal Chef: Naeka. This plays into two different situations — once during the Love Letter Lunacy episode, once when she's a Nurse with Good Intentions.
  • Made of Iron: Kogarashi really can survive a lot.
  • Magical Girlfriend: Parody. The romance aspect is averted, but Kogarashi either exhibits or inverts every other feature of the trope.
  • Men Can't Keep House: It's the two siblings who cannot keep house - the house is literally overflowing with garbage, they can't use their own beds, and they have an infestation of rats, crows and snakes.
  • Miko: The High Priestess of episode 10 is a deeply disturbing twist on this archtype, and the fact that she's voiced by Kikuko Inoue just makes it all the more awesome or horrifying... or both. Kousuke also demonstrates in this episode a Miko fetish to go with his Meido fetish.
  • Mundane Utility / Power Perversion Potential: Summoning tengu to steal underwear could qualify as either or both of these.
  • Naked Apron: Naeka wears one of these near the end of the OVA episode, in an attempt to lure Taro. It doesn't have much effect, as Taro finds her method of seduction too direct, but he's no match for Kousuke's secret weapon: a pre-planned Wardrobe Malfunction that exposes Naeka's enormous breasts.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: There seems to be no limit to the skills / abilities Kogarashi possesses.
  • Ninja Maid:
    • The entire concept of the series. Kogarashi has numerous abilities, from cooking & cleaning to USB connectivity and X-ray vision, even claiming to have 37 senses. Fubuki instead is a classic girl example. She has great skill as a maid and guardian, demonstrating ninja-like abilities.
    • Tsurara and Shizuku, Liz's maids.
  • No Name Given: Miwa, Eiko and Saki all have names, but they aren't often said (if at all...).
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Kogarashi lacks any regard for personal space.
  • Otaku: Kousuke. Has a maid fetish and a collection of eroge to prove it.
  • OVA: An 'OVD' was released alongside the first DVD collection, with an entirely predictable increase in fanservice. A combined beach episode and hot springs episode with Urashima Taro, plenty of Show Some Leg moments, very visible nipples, and it all happened in Kousuke's head.
  • Pet the Dog: Sort of. Kogarashi won't attack civilians.
    • While he won't attack civilians, he has absolutely no qualms about messing with them if it is part of his mission. Like stealing panties off of girls in the middle of the day to examine them to find a thief (of underwear, no less).
  • Phenotype Stereotype / Teen Genius: Liz Strawberryfield. A thirteen-year-old child prodigy of English descent, Liz is extremely wealthy herself and a remarkable kendo student.
  • Pietà Plagiarism: In the last episode, when Maid Guy dies. He Got Better.
  • Potty Failure: Liz wets her bed due to nightmares about Kogarashi's crows. This is implied to be a recurring dream.
  • Pretty Boy:
    • Hendrick, Liz's older brother. He knows he's pretty and uses it to his advantage.
    • Parodied in the diet episode when Kousuke slims down, complete with Bishie Sparkle and rose petals — then immediately returns to his ordinary weight after drinking soda.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Kogarashi manages to be badass whilst wearing a maid dress and a frilly face mask.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: This is Naeka, almost all the time. Played for Laughs in the OVA, where Taro resists Naeka's charms when she's intentionally trying to attract him with a Naked Apron, but he can't help but look when her Wardrobe Malfunction bares her enormous breasts.
  • Restraining Bolt: Naeka gets a whistle in the first episode that can incapacitate a Maid Guy. It's broken in the first few minutes of episode two. In the last episode it's shown that even this only stops Kogarashi for a moment and, immediately afterwards, goes into an Unstoppable Rage
  • Roof Hopping: Kogarashi again. Fubuki and the Ninja Maid twins do it, too.
  • Sarashi: Because everyone knows about the inverse relationship between bust size and math grades.
  • Seashell Bra: As a sort of finishing move against Urashima Taro in the OVA, Maid Guy quickly garbs Fubuki in one of these, via an Instant Cosplay Surprise. Exaggerated, in that not only is she wearing an extremely skimpy bra, her bottom is also only a seashell. She quickly has a Fully-Clothed Nudity Naked Freak-Out, but it's understandable given the amount of skin on display.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Saki who is in love with Naeka. She is so obsessed and jealously attacks anyone else who attempts peek at Naeka before she does. Saki's efforts are sometimes thwarted by Kogarashi, though he refuses to harm her directly.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Even more specific than that, Leader only has eyes for Naeka's breasts. Though he quickly eyes Fubuki's after he gets slammed in the head again.
  • Slasher Smile: As seen in the picture. Notably, it is not a temporary expression. Even when in Latex Perfection disguise, Kogarashi can't get his teeth to unpoint.
  • Super Window Jump: Parodied with Liz/Strawberry Mask. After successfully pulling off the jump, Liz realizes that she leapt out a third story window without planning. Ow.
  • Take That!: Comedic as this series may be, it can also be interpreted as a biting commentary on the sheer ridiculous nature of maid fandom/fetish in the otaku community.
  • Technopath: Kogarashi can also communicate with electronics, simply by stuffing a USB cable in his ear. Because he's JUST that good.
  • Tempting Fate: Episode seven has a good example. Naeka, ready to train, feels as though she could take on a bear. Cue bear. Though this can also be seen as a much more immediate version of the Gilligan Cut.
  • Trash of the Titans: Kogarashi and Fubuki turn Naeka's house from something unlivable into a normal house. Which is probably the other reason why they need live in maids.
  • Unsound Effect: All of Kogarashi's sound effects are narrated... by him.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Kogarashi after resurrecting, goes a little crazier than normal.
  • Verbal Tic: Kogarashi has a tendency to say "kukuku" a lot. Kukuku.
  • Wardrobe Malfunction:
    • Naeka has one at the end of episode 2, when metal plates used to suppress her massive chest explode, shredding her top in the process. She then proceeds to inadvertently flash her breasts to an enormous group of students outside.
    • Naeka has another one in the OVA episode, baring her huge breasts for the perverted Urashima Taro, who can't help but stare.
  • X-Ray Vision: One of Kogarashi's powers, the Maid Guy Scanner, gives him x-ray vision!
Kamen no Maid Guy - TV Tropes (2025)
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