My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (2025)

The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter 368, "Rev Up, One For All" by Horikoshi Kohei, Caleb Cook and John Hunt, available now in English from Viz Media.

When My Hero Academia first revealed that Midoriya Izuku would be able to control the Quirks of One For All's previous users, fans got excited. The anticipation of the new abilities the series' previously Quirkless hero would one day wield promised a journey through specialized training regimens to unlock each Quirk.

Apart from Deku, there have been eight other users of One For All. Because All Might didn't possess a Quirk before inheriting it, Deku was always going to inherit the other seven wielders,' and they're each impressive in their own right.

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Blackwhip - One For All's Fifth User's Quirk

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (1)

Blackwhip, which originally belonged to Daigoro Banjo -- the fifth user of One For All -- allows its user to create and independently control several tough black tendrils from their body. Blackwhip is the most versatile Quirk locked within One For All; its many tendrils can be used as auxiliary limbs, allowing Deku to grab objects he'd ordinarily be unable to reach, or as a mobility buffer. They're strong enough to support Deku's full weight when he chooses to either swing from buildings or catapult himself with the tension the tendrils create when stretched.

Blackwhip also has a lot of utility in combat. All the mobility advantages they give Deku can be applied to combat, along with the unexpected ability to grab and restrain opponents from impossible distances. With Blackwhip, restraining dangerous villains has become quite elementary for Deku.

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Nana Shimura Was the Float Quirk's Original User

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (2)

Float originally belonged to Nana Shimura, the seventh user for One For All and All Might's mentor. Float is a very simple Quirk with one purpose: it grants its user the ability to fly and retain full control of their movements while in midair. Once Deku unlocked this Quirk, it quickly became his preferred method of movement -- and for good reason; Float allowed him far better maneuverability than anything Shoot Style could offer.

After years of mingling with One For All's great power, the Float Deku currently wields in My Hero Academia is far stronger than what Nana Shimura was using. It is even faster now and, when combined with other Quirks like Blackwhip and Fa Jin, allows Deku to imitate All Might's top speed for a moment.

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One For All's Fourth User's Quirk Was Danger Sense

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (3)

In his lifetime, Hikage Shinomori used his Quirk to remain hidden from the public while he strengthened One For All, but Deku adopts a more active approach to using this sensory Quirk. Like the name suggests, Danger Sense alerts Deku to any potential threats within his vicinity, though it doesn't grant omniscience of his surroundings. The Quirk responds to only negative emotions and hostile intent directed toward Deku. It's a subtle distinction, but this means the Quirk is not as reliable when dealing with non-human threats.

The Quirk's one main weakness remains Himiko Toga, the League of Villains' sadistic and troubled shape-shifter. Toga is genuinely in love with Deku, and even though her preferred methods of expressing this emotion are potentially fatal, Danger Sense never registers her as a threat since she harbors no ill will toward him. The Quirk was similarly unresponsive when Deku battled his classmates. Although they used force, Class 1-A had his best interest at heart and Danger Sense picked up on that, refusing to alert Deku to his classmates' sneaky strategies.

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En's Smokescreen Quirk Provides Distraction

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (4)

En's Quirk was perfect for creating a quick distraction or shrouding oneself in secrecy. It's the least offensive Quirk in Deku's roster and may even become a hindrance if it's overused. All Smokescreen does is emit thick dark smoke from Deku's body when it's activated. When he chooses to, he can instantly hide himself in a cloud of smoke similar to a ninja's smoke bomb, and the similarities don't end there. Just like a smoke bomb, Smokescreen's caster isn't immune to its effects, so it must be used wisely.

En described all the Quirks within One For All but especially his Smokescreen, and additional tools the main power allowed Deku to use. In his view, none of them could ever become powerful enough to the point of spawning unique Ultimate Moves, but deftly choosing how and when to activate specific effects would allow Deku to achieve far more than if he had purely offensive Quirks.

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One for All's Fa Jin Quirk Stores Kinetic Energy

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (5)

Fa Jin originally belonged to the as-yet-unnamed third user of One For All. As the first offensive Quirk Deku inherited, Fa Jin gave him his most dramatic power boost since he perfected Full Cowling. This Quirk allows Deku to charge up and store kinetic energy inside his body when he performs repetitive movements. Deku can release this energy whenever he chooses, giving him an explosive burst of speed and power.

Deku can regulate the amount of energy Fa Jin releases every time he uses this Quirk, and recharging is as simple as waving his arm in a continuous circular motion. Its ease of use and activation makes it very reliable in combat, especially since it boosts his 45% allowable limit of One For All to imitate All Might's 100% for short bursts of time. The overall effect of Fa Jin is that it allows Deku to pack devastating power behind deceptively light hits. It was the first Quirk that suggested he would be able to surpass All Might in strength -- even at the iconic hero's peak.

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MHA's Transmission Quirk Modifies Object Speed

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (6)

Transmission is another booster Quirk like Fa Jin. It previously belonged to the second user of One For All, whose name remains unknown and is the final Quirk that Deku will inherit from One For All. Transmission allows Deku to modify the speed of any objects he touches. Like many other touch-activated Quirks, Deku can use Transmission on himself, turning himself from a respectably speedy hero to little more than a green blur.

Transmission appears able to increase Deku's speed in three stages, but it's far more dangerous when he decides to use it offensively. After activating the Quirk on himself, Deku can increasingly slow his opponents down with every punch he lands. What Fa Jin did for Deku's power, Transmission does for his speed. For short bursts of time, the MHA protagonist can push himself past 45% of One For All to eclipse even All Might's top speeds. As he grows in strength and becomes able to use higher percentages of One For All, Deku will grow even stronger.

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One For All Was Created by All For One and Yoichi Shigaraki

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (7)

One For All was created when All For One assumed his younger brother, Yoichi Shigaraki, was Quirkless. Wanting his brother to understand the allure of power, All For One forced a simple power-stocking Quirk on Yoichi, never imagining it would grow to become an eternal thorn in his side. Unbeknownst to Yoichi himself, he had a useless Quirk that allowed him to transfer power to other people. Once his brother's curse mixed with Yoichi's original Quirk, One For All was born.

When Yoichi passed One For All to its serving user, it was a far cry from the overwhelming strength All Might wielded in his heyday. Each successive user of One For All trained to improve the Quirk, and it retained every bit of strength they all pounded into it. One For All is the culmination of several heroic individuals' strong belief that one of them would be able to use that power to defeat All For One -- and it seems Deku night finally complete their decades' long mission when My Hero Academia concludes.

My Hero Academia: One For All's Seven Quirks, Explained (2025)
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